Tecniwell TWM12 + GP22HFV

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Tecniwell TWM12 + GP22HFV





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GROUT MIXING / INJECTION PLANT MOD. “TWM12 + GP22HFV” LT-1025 MAIN FEATURES: About 12 m3/hr. maximum mixing capacity (with water/cement ratio =1:1). Working Automatic/manual operated from the control panel. The Mixing Unit is located in 20’ (6.055 mm) long container. Container: Set to support up to 2 TECNIWELL horizontal cement silo. (90.000 Kg Stackable) Main container features: - Air compressor positioned in separate sound proof compartment. - Electric plugs kit positioned in separate compartment. Weighing system Electronic weighing and n. 3 load cells by 2.000 Kg/each. Electronic scale located on the control panel (up to n. 10 components mixing and unlimited admixtures formula). Daily production can be recorded and stored on a USB key and on printer Control Panel By mean of the control panel it’s possible to control all the Mixing Unit components. On it is located a lay-out of the mixing plant with some lights that indicate the working parts; there are also many others devices such as: - air pressure gauge of the air compressor; - blowers air pressure gauge; - hour counter; - batches counter; - switches for the automatic/manual operations; - timers for the emergency manual operations (in case of scale breakage); - alarm lights for incorrect electrical powering; etc. - The control panel is located in a separate room inside the container. Mixer tank Tank max capacity: 750 lt; Pump open impeller type (1.500 lt/min max. delivery); Mixer pump electric motor 15 kW; Safety micro switch on cover or hatch; Filter on the transfer line Agitator tank Tank max capacity: 1.500 lt; Agitator electric motor 2.2kW with reduction gear; Vertical shaft with two level steel blades; Safety micro switch on cover or hatch; Pneumatic system 400lt/min air compressor (in separate sound proof compartment) with 2.2kW electric motor; 100 lt. air tank; N. 2 pinch valves pneumatically operated for transfer or recirculation management; Air line for the blowers eventually located in the cement silo. Water tank and water line 1.600 lt water tank in the container roof; pneumatic ball valve for water loading in to the water tank; Pneumatic butterfly valve for water discharge in to the mixer; N°2 Pneumatic butterfly valves on the bottom of the agitator tank for water/grout exchanging; Grout Pump GP22HFV Installed in the above container A. Grout Pump mod. GP22HFV 5” double effect piston, 8” stroke; 215 lt/min. max delivery; 90 bar max pressure; control panel with: stroke counter, hand grips to regulate the pressure and the grout flow rate, main electrical switch, hydraulic oil pressure gauge, grout pressure gauge, automatic/manual switch, on/off button, emergency stop button, stroke counter to pre-set the stroke number for each injection and to check the injected grout volume. Driven by 22 kW electric motor. Hydraulic pump with variable delivery; Air/oil cooling system for hydraulic oil. - Electrical device for piston tie-rod oil lubricating - control panel with: stroke counter, hand grips to regulate the pressure and the grout flow rate, main electrical switch, hydraulic oil pressure gauge, grout pressure gauge, automatic/manual switch, on/off button, emergency stop button. Painting RAL 1013: 50 micron. CE mark following the European normative 2006/42/CE regarding safety. PAINTING SPECIFICATIONS 1. Painting Colour RAL1013 Container Overall dimensions in conformity with international normative: Width: 2.438 mm Length: 6.055 mm Height: 2.591 mm

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Specifications TWM12 + GP22HFV

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