Bertolaso TU 400 HM FIS

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Bertolaso TU 400 HM FIS





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Automatic mechanic Monobloc model TU 400 HM FIS which includes carton erector, bottom flaps folder, bottom flaps by sealer hot melt, bottles inserter, evacuation of cartons, all done automatically at the speed of 500 cartons hour. This Monobloc unit is composed of: Main Frame made of strong welded SS steel sections fitted with self adjustable feet in height. Carton Magazine can accept different models and carton sizes. Important to feed them in the correct position and number. An Automatic continuous loading of folded cartons motorized magazine is supplied. The carton is controlled feeding by photocells to regulate the carton advancement. Vacuum suction cups groups to pick any type of carton from the magazine, with self-braking Getriebemotor operating arm. It can use or 4 more cups adjustable in both dimensions. Special carton forming sled, activated by self-braking motor reducer, is placed on the upper frame of the machine to avoid the carton cellulose dust. Pneumatic vacuum pump group of 20 mc/hour Bottom Flap closer special device folds the bottom, of complete: - Automatic closing setzt for front and rear bottom carton closing. - Side guides supports carton for guiding, with size marking tape by hand wheels for width and height adjustment. The NordSon extrusion group is located on the front part opposite to the carton Magazin. It kerzenschmelzen the glue at the required temperature for spraying by the nozzles. The group is composed so: - Glue extrusion tank - Connecting hose - Spray head and nozzles Each part is temperature controlled by adjustable thermostat to keep the pre-set values. Carton squaring devices positioned at the formed carton sides to hold it in the proper position for the sealing. Automatic pressing device of a pusher type, activated by pneumatic cylinder, guided by two hardened steel bars to enter the cartons completely and to press the four flaps for a safe bottom sealing. Motorized bench made of epoxy coated steel section, with SS steel links conveyor aligns the products coming from the infeeding line and works as accumulation table. Mechanical bottles distributor: it’s mounted on the upper side of the bench, it carries out an alternated movement from right to left. The orientation system helps the quick bottles insertion into the direction lines. Alignment section elements are placed in the required number and adjustable to the infeed lines. Mechanical numbering device activates the photocell and controls the number of products required. Motorized cartons conveyor: made of stainless steel; it is complete with side guides, adjustable in their height, for the different formats. The guide supports for the checking photoelectric cells and the spacing cylinders are mounted on it. On the contrary, on the lower side, the conveyor is held by four threaded bars for any further height adjustment. It is possible to turn it inverting the direction of the carton. Translation trolleys: they are mounted on the upper side of the machine for a further visibility and easy maintenance. The movement of the two self-braking gearmotors controls the machine head forwards, backwards, upwards and downwards, carrying out alternated cycles. Bottles gripping head: in the upper side, on the right side, there is a safety photoelectric cell. It stops the machine in case of cloggings during the work stage. Automatic Centering device for cartons. It is manually adjustable in its height by a screw hand-wheel surrounded by millimetric bars. As it is coneshaped, it guarantees a good centering during the bottle way to the carton. It is lifted and lowered by a pneumatic cylinder applied on the frame of the machine. In the lower side there is a safety device to stop the machine in case of high pressure for the upper side or in case lack of air in the line. Electronic panel box: it is complete with door locking and keyboard for the manual and automatic control; it is made a “programmable logic PLC” and it is bolted on the upper rear side of the machine. This machine is special and electronically controlled to obtain the carton forming in the best safe way. The cartons are always released by this unit in the center of the conveyor even if they are of different sizes. Free roller conveyor extensible from 1 to 4 meters long, complete with a painted steel frame, plastic rollers, feet of galvanized steel support and impact resistant plastic mounted on wheels with brakes Accessories 1 Picking head on 2x3 composition adjustable to different diameters and complete with centering device and introducing blades. Diam. Min 68 Max 110 mm 1 Picking head on 3x4 composition adjustable to different diameters and complete with centering device and introducing blades. Diam. Min 60 Max 90 mm

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Specifications TU 400 HM FIS

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